List of endorsement bodies (startup)






The Bakery

The Bakery has built a scalable global network of start-ups and entrepreneurs, boosting their growth by colliding them with validated corporate opportunities, revenue, customers, data, expert knowledge and investment.


Conducts 4 programmes:

Start Programme (for pre-idea and pre-team individual entrepreneurs),

Accelerate Programme (for early stage tech companies looking to accelerate growth by working with a corporate),

Partner Programme (for start-ups looking to get revenue from their first big customer),

Invest Programme (for start-ups looking for strategically aligned corporate investors).

Waiting for response from the organisation.

Seed Camp

Seed Camp is a European seed fund that identifies and invests in word-class founders of tech businesses attacking large global markets. They are a diverse team of founders, makers, operators, executors, investors and tech-enthusiasts. They have backed more than 650 founders.

They stated that they are unable to provide support on visa applications for non-Seedcamp backed founders. They will also not respond to enquiries about visas unless you have received investment from them.


To apply for an investment:

Step 1: Submit your details for their review:

You will get a response from them within two weeks.

Step 2: If you have progressed to the next stage, your start-up are eligible for further internal review by Seedcamp investment team and investors.

Step 3: If your start-up looks like a fit, you will be invited for an initial meeting either in person or via skype, with at least 1 seedcamp Partner.

Step 4: Conduct presentation to the entire Seedcamp investment team.

Step 5: Decision will be made if you have or have not been successful. If you got through, termsheet with then be signed at this stage and Seedcamp will provide an investment of £100k whilst building a larger syndicate to invest alongside them.

Invest Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland’s regional business development agency focused on growing the local economy by helping new and existing businesses to compete internationally and by attracting new investment to Northern Ireland.


They are a part of the Department for Economy and support businesses by delivering the Government’s economic development strategies.  

Invest NI (as per the Guidance Notes for Endorsing Bodies) will only consider endorsements for:

– individuals/ companies that require a Startup or Innovator Visa as part of their participation on their Accelerator Programme;

– individuals/ companies that are an existing Invest NI customer.

Applications for their Ignite Propel Pre-Accelerator will be open in September/ October 2019:



Zinc builds new tech companies that solve the developed world’s toughest social issues. Zinc has 9-month full-time company-builder programmes.


Each programme has a single mission, to solve a social problem in the developed world, which affects at least 100 million people. 


They states on their website that they anticipate they will be able to endorse applicants for an appropriate UK visa.

It is expected that potential founders will include clinicians, engineers, financial services experts, creative designers, researchers, serial entrepreneurs, product managers, NGO innovators, life scientists, care managers, and others. They are looking for founders who will have ambition and drive, commitment to social impact, commercial mindset, fresh insight, creativity, comfort with uncertainty, obsession with meeting user needs, power to mobilise supporters and an ability to get things done.


Zinc will provide a £12,000 stipend over 9 months, 12 months workspace in the Central London base, and will be a founding shareholder in return for an 8% stake

Mission 3 is currently open and will start on 30 September 2019 for 50 founders who want to build a brand new business with the mission of adding 5 more years of high-quality to everyone’s later life.


They have 3 criteria for choosing a Zinc mission:
1.    it must tackle one of the great unmet needs in the developed world;
2.    the target addressable market must exceed 100m people in the developed world alone;
3.    there must be lots of unexploited opportunities to disrupt, extend and improve existing services through new technologies and insights from research.


Apply here:




Deep Science Ventures

Deep Science Ventures identifies neglected high value markets, such as Pharma, Energy, Food & Agriculture and drivers of success and opportunities in these markets and builds science-based companies to address them.


They push scientists to think in terms of fundamental shifts in performance, applying an engineering mindset to science. Once an optimal solution has been identified, we help build the right founding team, expert advisory network and provide proof-of-concept funding.

At the moment, they only accept applications in line with their existing interests and expertise areas - which can be seen on their website:  


If candidate fits, they can apply through this page, completing the application: 


Deep Science Ventures will get back to applicants with an initial indication within 2 weeks. Deep Science Ventures do not charge successful applicants. There is in most cases a due diligence or trial period of up to 4 weeks, after which a final decision is made. 




Wayra connects technological innovators with Telefónica to generate joint business opportunities. Over the last 7 years, Wayra UK has supported 180 companies to help scale the global start-up ecosystem. They have invested cash and business development support and created 7 hubs that offer their start-ups unique access to heads of state, corporate leaders, investors, seral entrepreneurs and even royalty.


They run a series of  programmes across multiple industries including Pharma, digital technology, engineering, intelligent mobility, cyber security, and AI & Blockchain.

Waiting for response from the organisation.


Ignite supports founders from idea stage through to raising a Series A, helping you refine your concept, get traction, and build a scalable business.


Throughout their programmes, they introduce you to experienced entrepreneurs who have been through the same journey as you, and who are willing to share their knowledge, network and experience to help you do more, faster.

Ignite only endorse applicants who are successful in applying to one of their accelerator programmes.


To apply, click here:

Pre- Accelerator: A funded, 3 month pre-accelerator for idea-stage founders, or founders without an idea, looking to start working on their business full-time.

Accelerator: A funded, 6 month accelerator for MVP-stage founders or teams, looking to scale their business and potentially raise further investment.


Bethnal Green Ventures

Bethnal Green Ventures invests in technology that has the potential to transform the world’s pressing environmental and social challenges.


Their themes focus on health, sustainability, education, civic engagement, tech to support young people and WorkerTech.


They are only endorsing entrepreneurs for the startup and innovator visa if they are first and foremost accepted to receive BGV's investment and support. For more information on the criteria required for this and how to apply to our programme, please visit  website at

They are not in a position to endorse individuals outside of this, and are not able to provide advice on how to get endorsements - for all visa related questions please visit the Home Office website.



It is the largest technology incubator in the UK, based in Edinburgh.


They have awesome WiFi to help tech startups and scaleups focus on building their businesses, and not have to worry about onerous long term leases, negotiating for property, etc.

Their endorsement process will commence on 1 June 2019.


Their webpage will be updated with further details closer to commencement, and you can sign up to their newsletter for updates:

Capital Entreprise

By joining Capital Enterprise you will be part of the growing enterprise support network that has one of most active investment funds in London and supports a huge sector of the entrepreneurial community.

For the time being Capital Enterprise will only be endorsing people with whom they have an existing relationship. It is still working out whether and how it will open up the endorsement process for people who are not participating in a Capital Enterprise programme. There may be a fee for endorsing an independent applicant.





Cylon focuses exclusively on growing cyber security businesses, and runs accelerator programmes for individuals with ideas and cyber companies looking to grow.


No response whether endorsement can only be granted to those who apply onto their programmes.


Apply onto one of the accelerator programmes here

Tech X

TechX is run by the Oil & Gas Technology Centre. Tech X provides expertise and support as a technology accelerator and incubator for start-ups and SMEs looking to enter the oil and gas industry.


They run a Pioneer Programme providing up to £100,000 funding available to start-ups with new technology ideas (with no equity or payback to TechX, and developers retaining all IP.)

The second cohort has already been chosen and will start in May 2019. TechX also runs a venture with Deep Science Ventures (mentioned above).

No response whether endorsement can only be granted to those who apply onto their programmes.


Applications for their Technology Accelerator programme has now closed. Keep checking back for further information on applying to join Cohort 3.



Seed Haus’

Provide investment at the pre-seen stage in outstanding founds and pre-founders tackling real problems in large markets.

Waiting for response from the organisation.


Med city 

MedCity connects excellence and supports collaboration, investment, entrepreneurship and industry within the life sciences across the Greater South East of England.


MedCity offers endorsement services for Start-ups and innovators who are working in the life sciences sector and are looking to locate in the region of London and the Greater South East of England. In line with MedCity’s remit, the life sciences sector includes biopharmaceuticals/ therapeutics, medical devices, diagnostics, digital health, and AI if its application is in products and services for human health.


Processes by which MedCity endorses Start-up and Innovator visa applications:

Step 1: Applicant must be working in the life sciences sector. They will need to send the necessary information such as a summary business plan and, if possible, a pitch deck which includes all the relevant information as outlined in Annex A of the guidance document to MedCity to make an endorsement decision. It is the applicant’s responsibility to send us the necessary information and we may ask for further information in order for us to make a decision.

Step 2: Once they have all the information they need they will then set up an interview with the applicant. This can be done over the telephone or via Skype and the applicant does not need to be in the UK for the interview, although they welcome meetings that can be held face to face at MedCity’s office in central London. This is in line with MedCity’s current processes of providing letters of endorsement.

Based on the interview and the information provided, MedCity will then decide whether to supply an endorsement for the applicant or whether further evidence or information is required prior to a decision being made.


Are there any fees payable to MedCity for endorsement for Start-up and Innovator visa applications?


For 2019/2020 and for applicants who can evidence that they are looking to locate in London or the Greater South East of England, MedCity will not be charging applicants to provide endorsements. MedCity will provide no funding to the applicant and will not take any equity stake.


Who makes the application for Start-up and Innovator visas?


This is done by the applicant to the Home Office. It should be noted that if MedCity supplies an endorsement, it will be eligible for three months from the date on the endorsement letter, so this should be taken into account when making an application for a start-up or innovator visa.


How long will it take to get a decision?


There are no established timelines as this will depend on the type of visa and the information supplied by the applicant. MedCity recommend applicants read the criteria in annex A of the guidance document to make sure they supply the necessary information.


Can endorsements be applied for by intermediaries, such as immigration lawyers or advisors on behalf of the visa applicant?


No. MedCity will engage directly with the visa applicant.  All information (business cases, pitch decks, evidence, etc) must be provided by the applicant and the interview must be conducted by the visa applicant(s). 


Scottish Edge

A competition aimed at identifying and supporting Scotland’s entrepreneurial talent.



Applicant needs to apply to join the competitions held and win to obtain endorsement. Round 15 of Scottish Edge Competitions open for application on 29th July 2019, in the form of an online application and 3-minutes video presentation.


Applicants will be assessed by an independent panel against the following criteria:


entrepreneurial spirit,

business growth potential,

customer focused,

utilisation of funding and

risk awareness.


Apply here:

Royal Society Edinburgh

An educational charity, registered in Scotland, operating on a wholly independent and non-party-political basis and providing public benefit throughout Scotland, across a range of disciplines –

Aerospace, defence and marine

Chemical sciences


Creative industries


Financial services

Food and drink

Forest and timber technologies

Life sciences




Enabling technologies and convergent areas

And more


The RSE Enterprise Fellowship offers: • A one-year academic salary

• Time to focus solely on refining the business proposal

• Cutting-edge training in business and entrepreneurship

• Up to £10,000 business support funding

 • Professional networking opportunities

• Access to mentorship from Fellows of the RSE and other successful business entrepreneurs in the community

• Lifetime membership of the RSE Entrepreneurs’ Club


The RSE only provide endorsement for visas under the Start-up and Innovator categories to RSE awardees who have received an RSE Enterprise Fellowship. They do not support those who have not received this award.


To apply for the RSE Enterprise Fellowship:

RSE Enterprise Fellowships are awarded twice per year, with calls for applications issued in Spring and Autumn.


Applications are evaluated against four criteria:

1. Effectiveness of the technology

2. Market potential

3. Commercialisation potential

4. The potential of the individual to succeed in business


Application process:

Step 1: completion of an application form, in which applicants describe their business idea and entrepreneurial potential. Application forms, guidance notes and related information are available on the RSE website:


Step 2: To ensure that applications are submitted to the highest possible standard, the RSE arranges workshops which give applicants the opportunity to refine their proposals and learn how to present their ideas in the most effective manner.

These sessions are delivered by external experts in advance of each application closing date. Information can be found on the RSE website.


Step 3: If shortlisted for interview, applicants are asked to prepare a presentation for delivery to a selection panel consisting of RSE Fellows who are entrepreneurs, industrialists, marketers and scientists, as well as the programme’s funders and external business experts.


Tech Nation

Suitable for businesses in Cyber and Fintech sectors.


Current still developing its own operating procedures for endorsements and will not begin accepting applications until September 2019

NatWest Entrepreneur Accelerator

They have Accelerator, Pre-Accelerator and Fintech Accelerator programmes have been tailored to empower entrepreneurs at any stage. They operate 12 hubs across the UK, providing entrepreneurs with unique coaching, environments, digital learning and networks.

The Natwest, Royal Bank of Scotland and Ulster Bank Entrepreneur Accelerators are all ultimately owned by RBS Group.


Apply onto one of three programmes:

Pre-Accelerator (8 weeks programme)

Accelerator (6 month programme)

Fintech (6 months programme, commences every April and October


And follow through, they will assess you throughout the programme and decide if endorsement will be granted to you


Apply via:


You will be asked for your preferred location and programme. Once logged in go to 'My application', then complete the form and they will be in touch with you.


The types of things considered are:

whether you are the owner or decision maker in your business

whether you will be working full-time on the business

if there are customers for the products/services

if you employ staff

if you aim to build your team

if you are looking to grow or scale the business,

if the business is already growing and if you are committed to accelerating that growth.

Royal Bank of Scotland Entrepreneur Accelerator

They have Accelerator, Pre-Accelerator and Fintech Accelerator programmes have been tailored to empower entrepreneurs at any stage. They operate 12 hubs across the UK, providing entrepreneurs with unique coaching, environments, digital learning and networks.

Apply onto one of three programmes:

Pre-Accelerator (8 weeks programme)

Accelerator (6 month programme)

Fintech (6 months programme, commences every April and October


And follow through, they will assess you throughout the programme and decide if endorsement will be granted to you


You will be asked for your preferred location and programme. Once logged in go to 'My application', then complete the form and they will be in touch with you.


The types of things considered are:

whether you are the owner or decision maker in your business

whether you will be working full-time on the business

if there are customers for the products/services

if you employ staff

if you aim to build your team

if you are looking to grow or scale the business,

if the business is already growing and if you are committed to accelerating that growth.


Ulster Bank Entrepreneur Accelerator

They provide to Fintechs app makers the power to start, scale and succeed. Their fully funded accelerator has 12 hubs across the UK.


Their Accelerator, Pre-Accelerator and Fintech Accelerator have been tailored to empower entrepreneurs at any stage. They’re here for any entrepreneur who wants to grow.

They provide entrepreneurs with unique coaching, environments, digital learning and networks. Focusing on the key driver to success insight, support and challenge is provided by their trained coaches to take any business further, faster.


If your application is successful you will be offered a place on Accelerator or Pre-Accelerator designed to help you and your business grow and keep growing. They also have a bespoke Fintech Accelerator for businesses in that sector.

Apply onto one of three programmes:

Pre-Accelerator (8 weeks programme)

Accelerator (6 month programme)

Fintech (6 months programme, commences every April and October


And follow through, they will assess you throughout the programme and decide if endorsement will be granted to you


Apply via:


The types of things considered are:

whether you are the owner or decision maker in your business

whether you will be working full-time on the business

if there are customers for the products/services

if you employ staff

if you aim to build your team

if you are looking to grow or scale the business

if the business is already growing and if you are committed to accelerating that growth.

Set Squared Bristol 

SETsquared Bristol provides a dynamic, modern, and supportive environment to grow your technology business. Launched in 2002 by the University of Bristol, and based at Engine Shed, they are currently supporting over 80 innovative ventures.

Its incubation programme is only open to technology startups, where the idea is knowledge-based (seeking to exploit intellectual property or novel information) and has very high commercial growth potential. Their services are designed to support companies who fit these criteria, but there is some room for flexibility allowing them to support ventures where they feel they can add genuine value.

Bespoke business support services are accessible through flexible membership types including virtual, residential and pre-incubation. Find out more through this link: what we offer.

No response whether endorsement can only be granted to those who apply onto their programmes.


Before applying, please carefully consider SETsquared’s entry criteria.

You must be a technology startup

Your idea must be knowledge-based (seeking to exploit intellectual property or novel information).

Your idea must have very high commercial growth potential.

We look favourably on applications featuring genuinely original ideas, which appear capable of attracting investment.

We are keen that the people involved in the venture are open to outside support and advice, and are looking to accelerate the company to market.


Set Squared Exeter

They operate Business Acceleration programmes and business incubator programmes at two locations in Exeter: University of Exeter Innovation Centre and The University of Exeter Innovation Centre.


SETsquared Exeter supports established or start-up high-tech companies, provides student enterprise and enables academics to maximise the impact of their research.


The centres have dedicated business and technology support staff available, who provide business acceleration services to clients at all stages of development. Clients can also access Experts in Residence, business mentors, networks and a range of events, workshops and seminars.

No response whether endorsement can only be granted to those who apply onto their programmes.


Apply onto one of SETsquared’s programmes via:

Set Squared Southampton

SETsquared at University of Southampton has established itself as a vital support to the local high-tech community including in data security, software, electronics and telecoms ventures.


They offer a Business incubation model with virtual, pre-incubation and incubation stage companies.

As with the other SETsquared centres, there are a pool of experienced mentors and a variety of events including workshops and seminars for members.


No response whether endorsement can only be granted to those who apply onto their programmes.


View here for more information:



Set Squared Surrey

Set Squared Surrey supports high-growth technology businesses. The programme does not take equity in businesses but rather helps members grow in its flexible office space.


They have supported and accelerated 165+ early stage high-growth technology businesses since 2002, with 75% still trading and over 90% surviving more than 3 years.


There is a monthly fee for membership depending on whether it is virtual or residential. The criteria and application process appears similar to that of SETsquared Bristol.


No response whether endorsement can only be granted to those who apply onto their programmes.



The idea must be knowledge-based (seeking to exploit intellectual property or novel information).

The idea must have very high commercial growth potential.

Our services are geared to supporting companies that meet these criteria. However, we also understand that every business is unique and there is flexibility in our criteria to make sure we can support those ventures where we feel we can add real value.


Apply via this link:



Level39 only endorses those involved in FinTech, cyber security, smart cities, retail tech and other globally ambitious tech business.

An accelerator for tech start-ups in the legal space. They only endorse migrants accepted onto their 10-week May-July programme.

Techstars is the worldwide network that helps entrepreneurs succeed. Techstars runs two accelerator programs in London: Techstars London and Barclays Accelerator, powered by Techstars.


HEI endorsing bodies

• Anglia Ruskin University • Arts University Bournemouth • Aston University • Bangor University • Bath Spa University • Birmingham City University • Bournemouth University • BPP University Limited • Brunel University London • Cardiff Metropolitan University • Cardiff University • City, University of London • Contemporary Dance Trust • Coventry University • Cranfield University • De Montfort University • Edinburgh Napier University • Falmouth University • Florida State University International Programs Association UK • Girne American University Canterbury • Glasgow Caledonian University • Goldsmiths University of London • Guildhall School of Music & Drama • Heriot-Watt University • Imperial College London • Keele University • King's College London • Kingston University • Lancaster University • Leeds Arts University • Leeds Beckett University • Liverpool John Moores University • London Business School • London Metropolitan University • London School of Economics and Political Science • London South Bank University • Loughborough University • Manchester Metropolitan University • Middlesex University • Newcastle University • Northern School of Contemporary Dance • Norwich University of the Arts • Nottingham Trent University • Oxford Brookes University • Plymouth College of Art • Queen Mary University of London • Queen's University Belfast • Ravensbourne University London • Regent's University London • Roehampton University • Royal Academy of Music • Royal Agricultural University • Royal College of Art • Royal Holloway and Bedford New College • Sheffield Hallam University • SOAS, University of London • Solent University

• Swansea University • Teesside University • The Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts • The Robert Gordon University • The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama • The University of Buckingham • The University of Cambridge •The University of Northampton • The University of Salford • The University Of Sheffield • The University of West London • University College London • University for the Creative Arts • University of Aberdeen • University of Bath • University of Birmingham • University of Bradford • University of Brighton • University of Bristol • University of Central Lancashire • University of Chester • University of Dundee • University of Durham • University of East Anglia • University of East London • University of Edinburgh • University of Essex • University of Exeter • University of Glasgow • University of Greenwich • University of Hertfordshire Higher Education Corporation • University of Huddersfield • University of Hull • University of Kent • University of Leeds • University of Leicester • University of Lincoln • University of Liverpool • University of Manchester • University of Northumbria at Newcastle • University of Nottingham • University of Oxford • University of Plymouth • University of Portsmouth • University of Reading • University of South Wales • University of Southampton • University of St Andrews • University of Stirling • University of Strathclyde • University of Sunderland • University of Surrey • University of Sussex • University of the Arts London • University of the West of England • University of the West of Scotland • University of Ulster • University of Wales Trinity Saint David - Carmarthen Campus • University of Warwick • University of Westminster • University of Wolverhampton • University of York • York St John University

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