
28.05.2014 - New Immigration Act 2014 was published

The Immigration Act 2014 (hereafter “the 2014 Act”) now makes it even more difficult for people without leave to remain in the UK (illegal immigrants) to access a wide range of services in the UK and also affects all British citizens, EEA nationals, foreign nationals with legal status in the UK and all U.K. Employers. 

The Home Office have stated that the key points of the 2014 Act are: 

  • It introduces changes to the removals and appeals system, making it easier and quicker to remove those with no right to be here;
  • It ends the abuse of Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights – the...

22.05.2014 - Tier 1 (Investor) - update

At present the Tier 1 (Investor) route still requires an investment of £1 million. It had been expected that following the Migration Advisory Committee’s (MAC’s) report on the Tier 1 (Investor) route investment thresholds and economic benefits, that was published this February that their recommendations would be implemented into the Immigration Rules in April of this year.

The government have yet to amend the rules regarding Tier 1 (Investors). This may be because they have been preoccupied with the Immigration Act 2014 and the recent local elections. 

To remind you the MAC’s recommendations a...

13.05.2014 - The Immigration Act 2014

The Immigration Act 2014 (hereafter “the 2014 Act”) now makes it even more difficult for people without leave to remain in the UK (illegal immigrants) to access a wide range of services in the UK and also affects all British citizens, EEA nationals, foreign nationals with legal status in the UK and all U.K. Employers. 

The Home Office have stated that the key points of the 2014 Act are: 

  • It introduces changes to the removals and appeals system, making it easier and quicker to remove those with no right to be here;
  • It ends the abuse of Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights – the...

05.05.2014 - Passport and Biometric Residence Permit returns

From 6 May 2014 the applicants for Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) applying by post under the Tier 2 will receive their passports, and their Biometric Residence Permits (BRP), back before a decision has been made on their application.

The Tier 2 (ILR) applicants will have their passport and BRP returned within 7 - 10 days of their application being created by the Home Office.

Passports and BRPs will be returned automatically without special request.

23.04.2014 - New Home Office Guidance: Minimum income threshold: information for family visa applications

The Home Office have issued new guidance relating to the ongoing Court of Appeal case where the controversial financial requirements are being challenged. 

The guidance states that the Home Office are continuing to put on hold decisions in spouse/partner/child applications for settlement where the only requirement they do not meet is the financial one. They further state that they will consider the applications once the legal challenge is finally determined by the courts.

The guidance also states that applicants who have applied for Entry Clearance from outside of the UK and whose cases are on...

14.04.2014 - New European Case that changes the ‘Surinder Singh’ route

As you will be aware from our post on 17/12/2013, the UK Government amended the Immigration (European Economic Area) Regulations 2006. One of the most important changes is to Regulation 9 family members of British citizens that came into effect on 1st January 2014, and how this will affect the ‘Surinder Singh’ route. There is now however a new case from the Grand Chamber of the Court of the European Union that changes the ‘Surinder Singh’ route and sets important binding new guidance.

Before we explain the new case and it’s guidance it would to best to explain the ‘Surinder Singh’ route and re...

07.04.2014 - Capital gains tax charge for non-residents on property in the UK

Recently a consultation document was issued by HMRC on proposals to charge Non-resident individuals capital gains tax on residential property situated in the UK.  The consultation is open until 20 June and the results will be known shortly after.

There are lots of questions still to answered, such as at what rate will the tax be charged? Will exemptions and reliefs which are available to UK residents be available to non-residents? 

No action can be taken until the document is released and the legislation is put in place but it is proposed to instigate the tax charge with effect for 5 April 201...

02.04.2014 - Annual Chargeable Amounts

Further to introduction of ATED on "enveloped dwellings" which worth more than £ 2 mln, we would like to bring you latest update on this matter and advise that the annual chargeable amounts for ATED are increased each year in line with the Consumer Prices Index (CPI). You must ensure that you calculate your liability based on the correct charges before filing your return as they are subject to change.

Budget 2014 announced a reduction in the threshold from £2 million to £500,000 to be introduced over 2 years. From 1 April 2015 a new band will come into effect for properties with a value greate...

30.03.2014 - Home Affairs Committee recommends that the Home Office suspend Tier 1 (Investor) visa

Following on from the Migration Advisory Committee’s (MAC) report on the Tier 1 (Investor) route that was published in February 2014, the Home Affairs Committee, a Committee of the House of Commons in Parliament, whose role includes to examine the policy of the Home Office, has recommended that the Home Office should suspend the Tier 1 (Investor) visa route until the Government has considered the options contained within the MAC report.

At present this is only a recommendation and it is unlikely that the Home Office would suspend the route as there is no suggestion in the report that the Tier ...

24.03.2014 - Changes to visa centres

The UK Government is in the process of changing their visa and passport service provider, VFS.GLOBAL, to a new provider, Teleperformance, for certain countries.

During this process there will be a change of websites and addresses for the Visa Application Centre’s, however there should be no delay to any applications during this changeover process and all is working.