
23.11.2010 - New Rules – New Restrictions

Finally, the Home Secretary Ms. Theresa May has announced new rules which will bring drastic changes to the existing criteria of certain immigration categories while removing a few all together.

Tier 1 General: From April 2011, this category will be closed and no new applicants either from in-country or from outside the country will be able to apply under this category. The Tier 1 (G) migrants who already have been given visas will not be affected and they will be able to continue enter / reside in the UK.

Tier 1 Exceptionally Talented People: From April 2011, a new category will be introdu...

25.10.2010 - Slots available for same-day service


We have got one slot available for a SET (O) application for 01st of Nov. 2010 and one for a Tier 1 (PSW) Application for 03rd of Nov. 2010. If any one is interested to make their application using same day service, please contact us ASAP.

26.07.2010 - The new requirements for spouses - the date has been announced


The minister of state for immigration has announced the date when the new requirement of English language would be introduced for the partners / spouses / fiancés of British Citizens or of those who are settled in the UK.

1.    Date:

From 29th of Nov. 2010, all applicants applying either from inside the UK or from outside will be required to provide evidence of their ability to communicate in English language by providing evidence of their nationality from an majority English speaking country or passing an English language test from the approved list of the UKBA.

2.    Who will be affected?...

25.07.2010 - Tier 4 – New Rules

As expected, some more changes has been announced and rules relating to students` entry clearance / leave to remain applications which we have summarized as follows:

1.    From 23rd of July 2010, due to the successful legal challenges, the requirement of having funds maintained for a particular period of time before the date of application has now been incorporated in the immigration rules, thus making it a rule enforceable in law. The Court of appeal has recently held in Pankina case that the requisite of having the funds maintained for a particular period of time is not a necessary requireme...

28.06.2010 - Immigration CAP (June 2010)

The Secretary of State has announced an interim cap on the number of migrants seeking leave to enter / entry clearance under Tier 1 (G) and Tier 2 (G) migrants, while making the eligibility criteria for Tier 1 (G) stricter.

1. From 19th of July 2010 till April 2011, only a total of 24,100 applicants would be allowed to enter the UK under Tier 1 (G) and Tier 2 (G). This is just an interim quota, and the UKBA will come up with a permanent quota for each quarter that would be applicable from April 2011.

2. From 19th of July 2010 all Tier 1 (G) applicants (those who are applying from outside the U...

24.06.2010 - Budget June 2010

New budget is announced in the month of June 2010 which will affect almost all corners of life in UK. The summary is given below:

Income Tax

Personal allowance is to increase to £7,475 from April 2011.

Capital Gains Tax

For low and middle income earners, the capital gains tax is 18% but for the higher income tax rates, the CGT will become 28% in the future. However, the annual allowance of £10,100 is also present for all the capital gains.


From 4 January 2011, the main VAT is to rise from 17.5% to 20%.

Corporation Tax

From 1st April 2011, the corporation tax rate will be reduced from 28% t...

10.06.2010 - New language requirements for non-European spouses and partners of the UK citizens / Settled Persons

New immigration restrictions are planned to be introduced in autumn 2010.  Compulsory English language test will be required for those non-EEA migrants who apply for fiancée, spouse, unmarried/civil partner visa or prospective civil partner visa of a UK citizen or settled person. The new rules will be applied both for migrants who are already in the UK and for the overseas applicants. 

All applicants will need to show that their level of English is equivalent to A1 Level under Common European Framework. The same level corresponding to IELTS 4.0 is required to skill workers applying under Tier ...

12.05.2010 - New UK Government – Changes in Immigration Rules

As a result of the formation of a new Government in the UK, significant changes in the immigration rules are scheduled to affect the present immigration categories. The changes can be brought in as early as within a few weeks` time.

There are plans to introduce the annual quota on the number of immigrants in all immigration categories.
Also, it is expected that there would be an increase in the threshold investment amounts for immigration categories Tier 1 (Investor) and  Tier 1 (Entrepreneur). At the moment, the required investments for these categories are £ 1 million and £ 200 K respective...

11.04.2010 - UK Tax Rates 2010-2011

Following the announced tax rates for 2010-2011 financial year, we have published the amended rates on our website. You may find the new scale on the relevant page 

We will be happy to consult you on any tax matters. We provide the full range of accounting services including annual reports for the companies and partnerships, VAT return, self assessments, PAYE and other accounting matters.

29.03.2010 - New Budget Report 2010

Alistair Darling has spoken at the House of Commons with the new Budget Report 2010. The Budget reflects the measures proposed by the Chancellor to deal with the economic difficulties. The measures include income tax increase for the rich and further stamp duty holiday for first-time buyers.