
07.09.2021 - After deprivation of citizenship comes months or years in limbo

The Home Office is routinely missing its target for issuing new residence permits to people who lose their British citizenship, figures obtained under the Freedom of Information Act show. Those deprived of their citizenship for (often historic) deception are promised a decision on their human rights claim to remain in the UK within eight weeks, but on average it takes eight months. In the meantime, those affected are effectively rendered unauthorised migrants with no right to work.

Deprivation of citizenship

The power for the Home Secretary to deprive someone of their British citizenship is in...

07.09.2021 - House prices at new high but pace of growth slows

House prices hit a record high in August, but the annual pace of growth in property values slowed, according to the UK's largest mortgage lender.

The Halifax said the cost of a typical home rose 0.7% last month to £262,954.

In the year to August, house prices rose 7.1%, it said, down from a rate of 7.6% in July.

But that figure masked big differences between the UK's nations and regions, reflecting buyers' interests in seeking more space and rural locations.

"Given the rapid gains seen over the past 12 months, August's rise was relatively modest and the annual rate of house price inflation con...

07.09.2021 - Triple lock pension pledge suspended for one year

The government has confirmed a one-year suspension of the "triple lock" formula for annual state pension increases.

The move follows government concern that a big post-pandemic rise in average earnings would have meant pensions increasing by 8%.

Work and Pensions Secretary Therese Coffey said the average earnings component would be disregarded in the 2022-23 financial year.

Instead, the rise will be the consumer inflation rate or 2.5%.

"Tomorrow, I will introduce a Social Security Uprating and Benefits Bill for 2022-23 only," she told the Commons.

"It will ensure the basic and new state pensio...

07.09.2021 - EU, EEA and Swiss citizens ID Cards for entry to the UK

From the 1 October 2021, most EU, EEA and Swiss citizens will only be able to travel to the UK using a valid passport. ID cards will no longer be accepted as a valid travel document for entry to the UK. If EU, EEA and Swiss citizens do not have a passport from 1 October, they are liable to be refused entry to the UK.

EU, EEA and Swiss citizens who hold pre-settled or settled status under the EU Settlement Scheme, or who have made a valid application under the scheme which is still pending, and those whose rights are protected under the Citizens’ Rights Agreements (such Frontier workers) will b...

06.09.2021 - Coronavirus and the UK immigration system (as of 06 September 2021)

People stuck outside the UK

For people who were “unable to travel back to the UK due to coronavirus travel restrictions” up to that date, “a short break of up to 6 months in continuous residence will be overlooked and you will face no future adverse immigration consequences as a result”.

For those worried about breaking their period of continuous residence in the UK for the purposes of indefinite leave to remain, Appendix Continuous Residence now states that absences caused by “travel disruption due to… pandemic” will not count towards the 180-day maximum. There is also guidance for people wit...

02.09.2021 - A look at the skilled immigration sponsorship roadmap

The Government has released details of its sponsorship ‘roadmap’ for employers recruiting skilled workers from abroad. This follows on from the publication of its New Plan for Immigration back in March 2021. The new roadmap sets out the Home Office’s proposals for long-overdue ‘radical changes’ to the sponsorship system, which will come into effect over the next three years. It promises to create a simpler and streamlined service, which – in theory – should be easier to navigate and substantially reduce the sheer time and effort it currently takes to employ an overseas national in a sponsored ...

01.09.2021 - How electronic travel authorisations could harden the Irish border

The Nationality and Borders Bill 2021 has lain dormant over the summer but will be taken up again once Parliament returns on 6 September. Down in the miscellaneous provisions is a requirement for people entering the UK without a visa or British/Irish passport to register in advance. Known as electronic travel authorisation, the system will be familiar to British or Irish people travelling to the United States: they don’t need a full-on visit visa, but do need to complete and pay for an ESTA. The ETA, due to come in by the end of 2024, is the same thing but for non-visa nationals entering the U...

31.08.2021 - Court of Appeal confirms that 3C leave can be revived

When a person’s visa expires whilst they have an outstanding application or appeal, they have what is referred to as “3C leave”. This is named after section 3C of the Immigration Act 1971, which essentially provides that the person’s visa continues until the application is decided.

An important and seemingly simple provision. Without it a person becomes an overstayer, subject to the hostile environment. However, the full text of the provision reveals a more complex framework:

 (1) This section applies if—

(a) a person who has limited leave to enter or remain in the United Kingdom applies to th...

25.08.2021 - A Shortage Occupation List review in 2022 is too late

Jobs that British employers struggle to recruit for are on the Shortage Occupation List. With separate entries for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, it seeks to be responsive to the needs of industry across the devolved nations. The Migration Advisory Committee advises the UK government on which roles should be on the list. The next MAC review is pressing — but will not even begin until 2022.

12.08.2021 - UK economy grows 4.8% as Covid restrictions ease

The UK economy grew by 4.8% between April and June, according to official figures, as most businesses emerged from lockdown.

Data from the Office for National Statistics showed that the expansion in gross domestic product (GDP) was fuelled by retail, restaurants and hotels.

Education also boosted the economy as schools reopened in the second quarter.

However, the figure was slightly below the 5% the Bank of England expected.

The UK economy is now 4.4% smaller than it was before the pandemic.

But Capital Economics said it expected the economy to return to pre-Covid levels later this year.

"We a...