
07.12.2023 - Statement of immigration changes HC 246: rules finally amended to provide for victims of transnational marriage abandonment and many more amendments

A new statement of changes has been laid today. Most of the changes relate to the EU Settlement Scheme and travel document requirements for school groups visiting the UK from France. 

The main provisions and the date they will come into effect are set out below.

New Appendix Victim of Domestic Abuse – 31 January 2024

This will replace existing provisions in the rules and provide one set of rules for those applying for settlement on the grounds of domestic abuse. Changes are also being made, which include the inclusion of those who have been subject to transnational marriage abandonment. 


05.12.2023 - Autumn Statement 2023: the tax changes that didn’t make the headlines

ICAEW’s Tax Faculty scans the Autumn Statement documents for other tax-related announcements. Various tax measures can be found in the Overview of tax legislation and rates, the Autumn Statement, and updated Tax information and impact notes.

Enterprise investment scheme (EIS) and venture capital trusts (VCTs) extended 

The government has announced that EIS and VCT relief will be extended for a further ten years, beyond their existing sunset clause expiry date of 5 April 2025. This is subject to UK and international subsidy obligations being met.

Clarity over deductibility of training costs 


04.12.2023 - Government plans attack families as minimum income requirement to rise to £38,700

The Home Secretary made a statement on 04 December 2023 to the House of Commons about the government’s plans to reduce net migration, mainly by separating families.

It’s yet another five point plan and is due to come into force in Spring 2024:

  1. People on health and care visas will no longer be able to bring family dependants and care firms must be regulated by the Care Quality Commission in order to sponsor workers.
  2. The skilled worker salary threshold will be increased by a third to £38,700, the care sector will be exempt.
  3. Ending the 20% salary discount for roles on the Shortage Oc...

23.11.2023 - UK net migration in 2022 revised up to record 745,000

Net migration into the UK was a record 745,000 last year, figures show - far higher than originally thought.

Office for National Statistics data published on Thursday show that experts have revised up previous estimates.

In May, it said net migration - the difference between the number of people coming to live in the UK and those leaving - for 2022 had been 606,000, 139,000 lower than the true figure.

PM Rishi Sunak's spokesman said migration was putting "unsustainable pressure on communities and councils" and it was clamping down on dependents of students arriving in the UK. "We believe there...

23.11.2023 - Autumn Budget Statement for 2024: summary of the main measures

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has unveiled the contents of his Autumn Statement in the House of Commons.

It sets out the government's tax and spending plans for the year of 2024, affecting the take-home pay and household budgets of millions of people, as well as the funding for key public services.

Here is a summary of the main measures.

Taxation and wages

  • Main rate of National Insurance cut from 12% to 10% from 6 January, affecting 27 million people
  • Class 2 National Insurance - paid by self-employed people earning more ...

22.11.2023 - UK’s Jeremy Hunt delivers budget announcements aimed at reviving stagnant economy

U.K. Finance Minister Jeremy Hunt is delivering his Autumn Statement budget announcement of the United Kingdom, as he faces pressure from within the ruling Conservative Party to implement tax cuts as the country’s economy stagnates.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s government has adopted a cautious approach to fiscal policy in the wake of the bond market panic unleashed by his predecessor Liz Truss’ disastrous “mini-budget” last fall.

The U.K. economy flatlined in the third quarter, and Hunt is expected to announce measures intended to bolster the country’s anemic growth outlook by attracting busi...

21.11.2023 - Court of Appeal says deportation of mother of British child not “unduly harsh”

The Court of Appeal has dismissed an appeal against the deportation of a mother with a British citizen child, finding that their separation would not be “unduly harsh”. The case is FN (Burundi) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2023] EWCA Civ 1350.


The appellant is a citizen of Burundi who arrived in the UK on 10 September 2003. In December 2007 she gave birth to a daughter, J, who is a British citizen. In 2009 the appellant was sentenced to 15 months’ imprisonment for offences including fraudulently claiming benefits. During the 7.5 months she was in prison, J’s father ...

15.11.2023 - Supreme Court finds Rwanda is not a safe country to which refugees can be removed

The Supreme Court has today held that Rwanda is not a safe country and that it would be unlawful for refugees to be removed there. The government’s appeal against the Court of Appeal’s judgment has been dismissed.

Rwanda is widely acknowledged as having a poor human rights record. It is therefore in breach of numerous treaty commitments it has made. And the courts in Rwanda do not act an effective check on government behaviour: there is no real judicial independence. Further, the Rwandan government breached the terms of a previous asylum deal into which it entered with Israel. It is therefore ...

15.11.2023 - UK opens electronic travel authorisation scheme

The UK’s electronic travel authorisation (ETA) scheme has officially opened for Qatari nationals who, from today, need one to travel to the UK. 

Last year, the UK welcomed almost 800,000 visitors from the Gulf, 45,000 of whom came from Qatar, with this set to increase over the next few years.  

Nationals of Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Jordan will need an ETA if they’re visiting the UK from 22 February 2024, and can apply for their ETA from 1 February 2024. 

ETAs are replacing Electronic Visa Waivers (EVW) which the majority of Gulf nationals currently apply fo...

13.11.2023 - Important changes to the way late EUSS applications are treated

The Home Office has changed the immigration rules and the guidance on making applications to the EU Settlement Scheme, taking a far more restrictive approach to late applications than has been the case previously.

As most readers will be aware, unless applying as a joining family member, applications to the EU Settlement Scheme were supposed to be made by the deadline of 30 June 2021.

The Home Office test for assessing a late EUSS application is whether there are ‘reasonable grounds’ for the late application. The Home Office policy for late EUSS applications was first fully set out in version ...