New language requirements for non-European spouses and partners of the UK citizens / Settled Persons

New immigration restrictions are planned to be introduced in autumn 2010.  Compulsory English language test will be required for those non-EEA migrants who apply for fiancée, spouse, unmarried/civil partner visa or prospective civil partner visa of a UK citizen or settled person. The new rules will be applied both for migrants who are already in the UK and for the overseas applicants. 

All applicants will need to show that their level of English is equivalent to A1 Level under Common European Framework. The same level corresponding to IELTS 4.0 is required to skill workers applying under Tier 2 of PBS.

These requirements will not be applied for those who come to the UK to join their EEA partners.

The English test results will be compulsory for visa application procedure, and the English test certificate must be enclosed to the application form. 

After completing a two-year period of temporary residence partners can apply for settlement and will still need to demonstrate the knowledge of language and life in the UK. This is in addition to the new English language requirement which is a part of the initial application.

There may be more changes in the pipeline and we would advise to make your application as soon as possible in order to avoid fulfilling further new requirements. We are best positioned in advising and representing our clients in their entry clearance / leave to remain application and can handle even the most complex cases. You can contact our London or Moscow office for further information.

Posted on 10.06.2010.

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