Changes to the Immigration Rules (March, 2012)

From 14 June 2012, the personal savings of the applicants (maintenance) under Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 5 categories must be as follows:

Tier 1
Tier 1 applicants - Entry Clearance - £3100
Tier 1 applicants – already in the UK - £900
Dependents of Tier 1 applicants who have been in the UK for less than 12 months - £1800
Dependents of Tier 1 applicants  - all other applications - £600

Tier 2
Tier 2 applicants - £900
Dependents of Tier 2 applicants who have been in the UK for less than 12 months - £1800
Dependents of Tier 2 applicants  - all other applications - £600

Tier 5
Tier 5 applicants - £900
Tier 5 applicants who have been in the UK for less than 12 months - £1800
Dependents of Tier 5 applicants  - all other applications - £600


Posted on 18.03.2012.

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