Tuberculosis testing

From 31 December 2013, residents of the following countries who wish to come to the UK for more than 6 months must be tested for tuberculosis (TB) before applying for a visa: Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Georgia.

If you apply on or after 31 December 2013, you will need to take a TB test if you are applying to come to the UK for 6 months or longer.

If you plan to come to the UK for less than 6 months you do not need a TB test, unless you are applying for a 6 month fiancé (e) visa.

You also do not need to take the test if you are applying to come to the UK as the family member of European Economic Area (EEA) national exercising EU treaty rights in the UK.

Posted on 15.12.2013.

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