Tier 1 (Investor) – update
In the next few days the Migration Advisory Committee will be delivering their report to the government about the Investor route and whether in its current form, investing £1 million into UK government bonds/business, is of benefit to the UK economy.
Depending on its recommendations the government could amend the Immigration Rules regarding the Tier 1 (Investor) category. Until the report is published it is not known what the recommendations will be, however the committee could recommend that the amount of investment be increased or decreased, or they could even recommend that the investment be a ‘gift’ to the UK, whereby you would be unable to retrieve the funds invested.
We will of course update you once the report is published and if there are any amendments to the rules. However, if you are thinking of entering the UK under the Tier 1 (Investor) route it would be advisable to do it now under the current rules as presently after you have invested your funds into the UK you can then retrieve them once you acquire Indefinite Leave to Remain.
Posted on 05.02.2014.
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