Launch of JCWI and BritCits report on the Adult Dependant Relative Rule and its impact on families – House of Commons

On 09/07/2014, Law Firm Ltd had the privilege of attending the House of Commons for the launch of JCWI and BritCits report on the Adult Dependant Relative Rule (ADR) and its impact on families.

Among others, the launch was attended by shadow immigration minister, David Hanson MP, who pledged to review the ADR and also the family rules in Appendix FM of the Immigration Rules should his party, Labour, be elected in the general election next year.

The report concluded that the ADR rule is harsh, unjust and unnecessary, that as a result of the ADR there is no burden on the tax payer and that it is not in the best interests of the child and their family to be separated from Grandparents.

The report is a powerful tool in trying to have the ADR rule changed. At present it is affecting many thousands of families. The report reviewed 50 decisions on ADR from the Entry Clearance Officer, of the 50 only one was successful, all others were refused. Law Firm Ltd is proud to have contributed to the report and is proud to have had successful applications under the ADR rule.

Today, JCWI is sending a letter before action to Home Secretary Theresa May, in the hope that she will fully consider the report and change the ADR rule. 

Posted on 09.07.2014.

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