New Visit Visa System Announced

Home Secretary, Theresa May, has just announced an overhaul of the visit visa system that will be introduced in April 2015. At present the full Immigration Rule changes have yet to be announced, however the changes can be summarised as follows:

  • The current system of the 15 types of visit visa will be scrapped and will be replaced by 4 types of visit visa;
  • The first type of new visit visa will cover tourists;
  • The second type of new visit visa will cover those wishing to undertake paid engagements, such as appearing in concerts and the theatre;
  • The third type of new visit visa will cover those visiting the UK for a marriage or civil partnership;
  • The fourth type of new visit visa will be a transit visa for those passing through the country.

It is expected that the Statement of Changes to the Immigration Rules stating the full rules will be published within the next few weeks.

We will continue to keep you updated.

Posted on 09.02.2015.

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