From 8 April 2015, exit checks will take place at all airports and ports in the UK

From 8th April 2015 the UK will reintroduce exit checks at all airports and ports in the UK. The checks will predominantly be an immigration and data tool, checking to see if migrants are keeping to the terms of their visa, however the checks will also improve security by helping the police and security services track the movements of known or suspected criminals and terrorists.

At present, the majority of airlines provide the Home Office with Advance Passenger Information (API), information that customers provide when booking their flights. This will continue and for these passengers nothing will change and they will not notice the new exit check systems. 

For rail and ferry passengers their travel documents will be checked and scanned at the port. This may add an additional times to journeys so it recommended that passengers give themselves enough time to reach their destination.

All data gathered will be sent to the Home Office and will be processed in line with the Data Protection Act 1998, the Human Rights Act 1998 and the common law duty of confidentiality. 

Posted on 29.03.2015.

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