Reminder, right to rent checks for private landlords start on 1st February 2016
Further to our article of 20/10/2015
This is a reminer that the right to rent check for all private landlords in England starts on 01/02/2016 for all tenancies that start on or after this date.
Within 28 days before the start of a new tenancy, private landlords in England must make checks for:
- people aged 18 and over living in their property, whether they’re named in the tenancy agreement or not;
- all types of tenancy agreements, written or oral.
There are four stages to the right to rent check:
1. Check which adults will live at your property as their only or main home;
2. See the original documents that allow the tenant to live in the UK;
3. Check that the documents are genuine and belong to the tenant, with the tenant present;
4. Make and keep copies of the documents and record the date you made the check.
It is important that the right to rent check is completed properly with copies kept as if it is not adhered to private landlords can be fined up to £3,000.
Posted on 14.01.2016.
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