Coronavirus: Eviction ban to be extended by four weeks
Ministers have extended the ban on landlords evicting tenants in England and Wales until 20 September 2020, following fears thousands could lose their homes
In most cases, until the end of March, renters will also get six months' notice if their landlord plans to evict them.
Courts had been due to resume cases on Monday after a five-month pause.
Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer said the latest announcement just gave "renters a few more weeks to pack their bags".
Housing Secretary Robert Jenrick said he was "supporting renters over winter" adding that, when the ban was lifted, the most serious cases of anti-social behaviour, other crimes, and unpaid rent for over a year would be heard first.
One landlords' group described the blanket extension as "unacceptable".
Tenants in England, Wales and Scotland are now all expected to receive six months' notice of eviction compared with two months before the coronavirus outbreak. Laws in Northern Ireland include a 12-week notice period.
Posted on 20.08.2020.
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