High Potential visa launches today – and available to apply for

The High Potential Individual visa went live at 9am today.

It is a new route allowing people to live and work in the UK without needing an employer to sponsor them, vaguely in the mould of the dearly departed Highly Skilled Migrants Programme. It is however restricted to people who have graduated from certain named universities in the past five years.

The person must also speak English to level B1. The resulting visa lasts two years, or three for people with PhDs.

To qualify, a person must have successfully graduated from a university that appeared in the Top-50 of at least two of the Times Higher Education World University Rankings, the Quacquarelli Symonds World University Rankings, or The Academic Ranking of World Universities in the year they graduated.

The visa will cost £715 plus the immigration health surcharge, a fee which allows migrants to the UK to use the NHS.

Graduates will be able to bring their families (wife and/or husband and children under the age of 18), although must also have maintenance funds of at least £1,270 to support their family members.

Please see details on this visa category on our web-site by the following link: https://www.lawfirmuk.net/high-potential


Posted on 30.05.2022.

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