New amendments for unmarried partners for applications under visa schemes for Ukrainians

On 22 June 2022 the Home Office introduced amendments to define certain family relationship requirements for visas for nationals of Ukraine. 

The amendments state that unmarried partners do not necessarily need to have lived together for two years, and prove such joint cohabitation with documents for the last two years, for their relationship to be considered “durable”. 

As the Home Office guidance says, the couple “must demonstrate they have been in a relationship similar to marriage or civil partnership for at least 2 years”. This will “usually” mean cohabitation, but not necessarily.

At the moment, these new amendments only apply to Ukraine visa applications - namely under the Ukraine Family Scheme, Homes for Ukraine Scheme and Ukraine Extension Scheme, and those applying for settlement after ten years in a family route. 

But they are due to be rolled out more widely in future to other visa categories — which would mean a general relaxation of the two-year cohabitation rule for unmarried partners.

Posted on 22.06.2022.

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