Uncompromising message from Theresa May

Theresa May would put forward an "uncompromising" message on immigration, saying high levels can harm community cohesion, and would re-commit to bringing net migration down to the tens of thousands.

Also expected on immigration:

  • Commitment to "bear down on immigration from outside the EU" across all visa routes
  • Reduce and control immigration from Europe after Brexit
  • Sources say this means "the end of freedom of movement"
  • Doubling of the "Skills Charge" from £1,000 to £2,000 per employee per year for employers who hire non-EU immigrants in skilled jobs
  • The revenue will go into skills training for UK workers
  • Non-EU migrants to pay more to use the NHS
  • Rule out removing students from the immigration statistics

Posted on 17.05.2017.

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