Pork butchers latest to get temporary visas

800 temporary Seasonal Worker visas will be made available to pork butchers, the British government announced on 14 October.

They will last for six months, with applications open until 31 December 2021.

Up to 800 pork butchers will be eligible to apply until the end of the year for six-month visas.

Environment Secretary George Eustice stated in this regard: "A unique range of pressures on the pig sector over recent months, such as the impacts of the pandemic and its effect on export markets, have led to the temporary package of measures we are announcing. This is the result of close working with industry to understand how we can support them through this challenging time."

The government added that the temporary visas "are not a long term solution and businesses must make long term investments in the UK domestic workforce to build a high-wage, high-skill economy, instead of relying on overseas labour".

Posted on 14.10.2021.

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