Ukraine conflict: Boris Johnson says more than 200,000 Ukrainians could be allowed to join family in UK

The prime minister announced today that the UK will "make it easier for Ukrainians already living in the UK to bring their relatives to our country". Exact numbers are "hard to calculate", he says, but "they could be more than 200,000".

More than 200,000 Ukrainians could be allowed to join family in the UK amid the Russian invasion, Boris Johnson has said.

Speaking during a visit to Poland, the prime minister said the UK will "make it easier for Ukrainians already living in the UK to bring their relatives to our country".

The PM's spokesman said Ukrainians living in the UK will be allowed to bring in "adult parents, grandparents, children over 18 and siblings" in addition to immediate family members.

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Priti Patel told the Commons that individuals will be able to stay for an initial 12 months and will be able to work and access public services.

She said there will be no limit on the number of people that will be able to take up the "very generous" offer.

Around 100,000 Ukrainians had been expected to be eligible to come to the UK, but this has now increased to 200,000 as a result of the scheme being widened.

More details to follow in due course.

Posted on 01.03.2022.

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