2,400 India Young Professionals Scheme visas available under ballot system

The much anticipated India Young Professionals Scheme visas ballot will open at 2:30 pm India Standard Time on 28 February. The ballot will close at 2:30 pm on 2 March 2023.

You will be able to enter the ballot by the link here - https://www.gov.uk/guidance/india-young-professionals-scheme-visa-ballot-system.

The given web-page also confirms some general details about the application process, cost and timings. Eligibility requirements include being an Indian national aged between 18 and 30, with qualification at degree level or above and sufficient savings to support travel to the UK.

A total of 2,400 visas will be available in this ballot, with the next ballot expected in late July of this year. 

Posted on 21.02.2023.

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