Passport requirements for trips to the EU after Brexit

If the UK leaves the European Union without a deal, then from 29 March 2019, the following requirements for British passports will apply for those who travel to EU countries:

1) Your passport must be valid for at least 6 months after arriving in EU country. This requirement applies to both adult and children's passports.

2) If you have applied for a new passport before old one is expired, then up to 9 additional months can be added to the validity period of your new passport. This additional months in your ten-year passport are not included in the six-month limit for traveling to EU countries.

The new rules will apply to passports issued in the UK, Gibraltar, Guernsey and Jersey and the Isle of Man. New rules do not apply while travelling to Ireland. Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus and Romania as they are not part of Schengen zone. Therefore, it is necessary to check their entry requirements separately.

Posted on 22.02.2019.

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