Ukrainian nationals and their family members will be able to apply under the Ukraine Extension Scheme after 16 May, but details to follow

The Home Office has announced recently that if a person was granted permission or UK visa after 16 May 2023, they will still be able to apply for a visa under the Ukraine Extension Scheme once the new rules are in force in August 2023.

The Home Office advises to wait until more information is available and it yet remains unclear what the new rules in this regard shall be.

Apart from the above, and subject to the British Parliament approval process, the Immigration Rules are also expected to change in July 2023 to extend the eligibility for the Ukraine Extension Scheme to include those who were granted permission after 16 May up to 16 November 2023, with all applications to be made before 16 May 2024.

We shall keep monitoring this matter and will provide updates as soon as they are available.

Posted on 17.05.2023.

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